When you cancel your booking and choose refund as goCash option while cancelling ticket, you will get goCashPlus in your goibibo account. 

You can also get goCashPlus when a contact from your Phonebook transacts on GoIbibo.

You can ask your friend to send you goCash as goCash (and not goCashPlus) is transferable from one Goibibo user to other.

You can get goCash & goCashPlus through the Referral program.

For each invite, you get a certain amount of goCash. Your friend also earns some amount, the bonus amount depending on the promotional campaign.

Cashbacks, Goibibo vouchers & Review bonuses are other ways to get goCash.

In case of any forgery, Goibibo has all rights to revert goCash awarded to the user.